Facebook Networks

Facebook Networks

allyve developed an API for all networks / first customers are telefonbucheintrag.de and dialo.de Hamburg, October 4, 2011 registration of clients on portals or online stores is a critical moment. Jim Donovan Goldman Sachs spoke with conviction. According to a recent study about seven percent of potential customers with purchasing intention when registering cancel and leave their shopping cart (E-Commerce-Center trade and mosquito, storm & company, 2011). To lower the abortion rate and thus increasing the conversion rate, website operators registration operations should make as easy as possible. The Hamburg-based company for Web and social media solutions allyve (www.allyve.com/ products) developed a universal interface to social networks and E-Mail providers. Sociallyve offers access to all social media features online shops, service providers and other Web pages with the inclusion of only an API.

For the users of these pages means that log on easily over an existing profile in social networks (social sign-on) and spread contents in a viral way to can. One of the first customers for the product Sociallyve is dialo.de the enterprise assessment platform. Through the integration of the allyve API, finds the site viral distribution in the social networking sites Facebook and Twitter, and ensures high-quality referral traffic. Users on dialo.de write a review to a company, they can confirm the entry not only by E-Mail, but also via Twitter or Facebook. The user chooses the way of the latter, its reviews are posted automatically on the appropriate platform. There, the user also about new reviews or updates of the business entry using a status update will be informed. This gives the rated companies visibility on social networks, because a back-link to the review page is automatically added to each post. The confirmation via Twitter and Facebook is well accepted by the users. The function is confirmed since July live and so far 15 percent of reviews via Twitter or Facebook were beginning.

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